• Environment

    Survey, Remediation, Brownfield Recycling, Expert Witness Consulting

  • Construction

    Geotechnical Engineering, Pollutant Registry, Deconstruction, Disposal

  • Energy

    Building Energy Consultation, Energy Efficiency, Energetical Renovation

  • Consulting

    Project Management, Organisational Consulting, Data Management

HYDRODATA GmbH, founded 1985, is a highly reputable, independent, international environmental consulting and engineering firm based in Oberursel/Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Since 1985 HYDRODATA has conducted more than 2,500 in-country and international environ­mental and engineering projects on, industrial, hazardous waste, military and commercial sites for a variety of private and government clients to include German Oberfinanzdirektion, German Staatsbauamt, local water authorities, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. The company’s inter­disciplinary staff of professionals is comprised of highly qualified and experienced environmental engineers and scientists, process engineers, geologists, hydro geologists, and health and safety engineers as well as experts in software and database management, consulting and development. In addition, the HYDRODATA team is supported by environmental law and risk management professionals. This combined experience in performing projects worldwide, including environmental investigations and remediation projects on military installations contracted by the German, European, and US agencies, makes HYDRODATA highly qualified to successfully deliver excellent environmental services to its clients.

HYDRODATA operates a formal quality management system based on the requirements of the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. This quality management system is required for site assessments and site investigations on government owned properties in Germany.

Bodenschutz und Altlasten bzw. nach §18 Bundesbodenschutzgesetz